FREE Training for Teachers Wanting A Career Change:

Discover how a teachers are now leaving education to coach children mindset making more impact, time and freedom.

In this exclusive online training... learn how to confidently exit the classroom by using

skills you already possess to impact children your own way, creating a step by step strategy to enroll students into your programme.

Fill in the form to get ACCESS to the Training👇

What is in the training?

Understand different views from teachers that have successfully transitioned from the classroom to life coaching.

Learn our Top 3 techniques that help children moves towards being UNSTOPPABLE.

Create your coaching consultancy from scratch whilst still working in the classroom.

Use social media to attract parents with an exact step by step message script to onboard them easily.

Dale Hancock (ex teacher) now international coach.

Now...this is only for educators that have ever experienced:

...being manipulated by senior leader to carry out duties outside of your contract

...feeling of passive aggression from parents

...lack of support by senior leadership after being verbally or even physically abused by parents and/or students

...endless lesson planning due to increased focus in differentiation

...overly criticised after lesson observations

...confusion and anxiety due to inconsistent school structure

...pressure from last minute data entry whilst juggling teaching, planning, meetings etc appreciation for spending your own money on department resources

...disagreed with the syllabus you are teaching students

Disclaimer: The sales figures stated on this page and discussed in the Young Life Coaches Programme are our sales figures and, in some cases, the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or achieve any specific financial results). These are used for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re unwilling to accept that, please DO NOT ACCESS THIS TRAINING.

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